Summer Yoga Challenge

August 2024
Everyone Wins!

Surely You know by now how awesome yoga is for your mind, body and spirit. But, have you really put it to the test to see what all benefits show up for you? Yes, you will feel more relaxed! And, yes you will sleep better! What other benefits will You experience?

The best way to test what yoga can do for you, is to submerge yourself into your yoga practice. And, what better time than NOW with our Summer Yoga Challenge!

We love a challenge and for each individual the challenge is different. Whether you challenge yourself to one class per week, two or seven, it’s up to you. It’s important NOT to stress out about a competition, but to make it a kind commitment of self-love for you!

Not only do you give yourself the gift of health, clarity, and peace in mind, you can even win some prizes.

This year, we are holding our challenge the whole month of August and the rules are the same as before.

Here’s how it works: For every class you take in that month, you will get one point. (Meditation & Virtual Classes count as one point, too.)

Gold Tier: $100 GC from The Posture Project (TPP) & a T-shirt.  
21+ points gets you entered into this grand prize drawing! Each additional point after 21, you get another entry into the drawing for this prize. There is not a cap for how many entries you can obtain for this tier.

Silver Tier: $60 Gift Certificate from The Posture Project.
16-20 points gets you entered into this drawing. Each additional point after 16, you get another entry into the drawing for this prize. (i.e.-You can get up to 5 entries into the drawing for this prize.)

Bronze Tier: Yoga mat & a T-shirt.
11-15 points gets you entered into this drawing. Each additional point after 11, you get another entry into the drawing for this prize. (i.e.-You can get up to 5 entries into the drawing for this prize.)

10 pointers: For everyone that gets 10 points during our Yoga Challenge, you get a free Infrared Sauna Session up to 40 Minutes or 30 Minute Crystal Bed Session
(There are no drawings for this category, Each person who gets 10 pts will win this prize)

You get one drawing entry per point after entering your tier. For example, if you get 18 points, you get 3 entries in the Silver Tier drawing. One entry for your 16th, 17th & 18th class. This gives you a higher percentage of winning.

You are only eligible for one drawing. So, if you have 28 points, you will only be entered in the Gold Tier drawing with 8 entries.

Challenge yourself to get enough points for the prize you want to win and give yourself as many entries as you can.

Helpful Tips for Your Yoga Challenge!
Yoga cleanses your body, mind, and Spirit!
We Highly Recommend after any Massage, Yoga, Crystal Bed, or Sauna Session:

  • Drink 32 oz. of water preferably with juice of ½ a lemon / lime ASAP.
  • Take a bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt and 2000mg of Vit. C. (Vit. C neutralizes chlorine) and soak for at least 20 minutes some time that day.

These help to relieve any soreness you might experience and assists your body in utilizing the healing properties of your treatment/class for its highest good.

Might as well clean up your diet while your doing your Yoga Cleanse! Eat more raw fruits and vegetables and less animal protein, sugar, dairy, and processed foods. (don’t be afraid of sugar from fruit! Your brain needs it to function properly and handle stress. Just eat fruit with a little celery, cucumbers, or any other greens for a balanced snack or meal that keeps your blood sugar more stable.)

So, put on your self-love hat and get on your mat!

Click here to see our schedule

We’ll see you soon!

P.S.- 30 days of doing something different creates new habits!

Summer Yoga Challenge – AUGUST 2024

Special Yoga Challenge Price for everyone:

Get Unlimited Yoga for one month for only $115!

Special Price good anytime during the month of August. Unlimited Yoga Classes for a month (30 days from the date of purchase). No other commitment.

Purchase in studio at your first class of the Yoga Challenge to get this price!


10 Class cards are $195 (Save $25)

Class cards have a 12 month expiration.
*** Seniors price is the same $18 per class.
You can prepay for 5 or 10 classes, but there is no extra discount.